Lead to Succeed Module5: Leading and Managing the Inspection process

From: £125.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details


Lead to Succeed aims and outcomes

Module 5: Leading and supporting the inspection process


  • To understand different aspects of a CQC inspection and what drives an inspection
  • To have practical strategies to support preparing for inspections, as well strategies for the day of inspection and following-up an inspection - including how to use the grading awarded.
  • To understand how the success of these practical strategies for inspection could be measured


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:-

Explain the reason for inspections

Explain the fundamental standards

Explain the inspection structure of the 5 Key Questions

Identify which organisations are inspected by CQC

Explain the implications of CQC ratings for organisations, and how to use the rating positively

Describe successful behaviours for leading an inspection

Explain how to prepare for a CQC inspection and practical strategies that could be implemented

Identify ways to capture evidence and measure the impact of the changes made 

Develop an initial action plan to implement the learning that has taken place



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